Personal Information

Marital status: Married with Prof. Mag. Stefan Hlawacek, Managementtrainer;

 3 sons

Nationality: Austrian

Born: 1947

Place of Birth: Ahrenberg, Lower Austria

Retired: December 2003

Summary of qualifications

December 1983 - April 1996



May 1996 – November 2003


Lower Austria school authorities, Baden.

Librarian in a library at a Padagogical Academy for the development of teachers for Elementary schools (Children from 5 - 15 years), Baden

Head of the Library of “Stiftung Pädagogische Akademie Burgenland, Eisenstadt”


Work experience
1967 - today


1967 to 1972 I worked as an educator, 4 years in leading position as director.

August 1972 I started my studies as librarian at the Austrian National Library in Vienna which  I finished in November 1973. I was employed with the Austrian National Library till April 1975.

March 1977 to November 1983 I jobbed as salesgirl in the shoeshop of my mother in law.

December 1983 – April 1996 I worked as librarian for the school-authorities of Lower Austria. I did basic lectures on using the library, diverse lectures on reading promotion and research around the world.

 1957 - 1991

I got classical education (Latin and Ancient Greek) with graduation in May 1965.

Afterwards I attended a college for educators in Baden, where I graduated in August 1966.

September 1966 to June 1967: Studies at the University of Vienna in History.

1991: Studies at the University of Vienna in Comparing Sciences of Literature.


Extracurricular activities

Several exhibitions about ancient books for children and young people.

1995: Exhibiton and project "150 Jahre Struwwelpeter" . The Exhibiton was shown in different parts of Austria until January 1996.


Professional membership

Since 1973 member of „Vereinigung österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare“ 

Since 1989 member of the International Institute for Children's Literature and Reading Research, Vienna.

Since Nov. 1999 member of “Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung“

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